Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Unexplainable

In my mind thoughts move rapidly, like a cycle,
But sometimes they backslide, moonwalk, like Michael,
I go,
Faster then I could ever imagine,
These sounds are rare & hard to find again so my brain starts to map them,
Like what I hear, so my hands start to clapping,
Harder than I ever could,
Because things suddenly make sense like they should,
But do they to you?
Who knew?
That you,
Could be so blinded by beauty....
Like the sky not being blue,
I see you,
But do you see me,
Probably not because your eyes are caught by the freaky -
I stress,
That you often pray for God to bless,
Because without His test you wouldn't have anything left,
To live for or give,
For what He has in store is more than what you can imagine plus more,
Some people say they want to run through your mind but I wish to soar,
Now I'm seeing & hearing new things like my mind's on a tour,

Many aspects of this life are indescribable,
To let my unheard word be heard, maybe I should grab a mic or two?
I'll speak into it, let my imagination crawl through it,
Sit down with an arrow in my hand like Cupid,
And then await the person who expresses hatred and shoot it,
No never that though,
My family & I know I'm not stupid,
But I swear it seems like I'm the odd boy on the block - the new kid,
And people my age think I'm crazy because my ideas aren't lucid,
So I'm a loser simply because I think I'm gonna lose it?
You're ignorant because you fool with people who pronounce it "Ignant"
This is just the truth - exactly what I'm feeling,
But I'm left here waiting for my mental wounds to begin healing,
Most of what my voice says is unexplainable,
Leaving you lost, wondering what's the cause,
Am I blamable?
I'm not a rapper but a poet, you should know it...
What goes on in my head shines in the dark, so I glow it...

Ever wondered why we're anxious by the butterflies but laugh from the tickles?
To me they're a similar feeling, just with different reasoning & meaning...
Yes, anxiety & laughter are two different things.
How could you compare the two? Is probably what you're thinking right now...
To me a tickle is an unexplainable feeling that is felt through physical touch.
The butterflies are felt within, without requiring touch. Everyone gets the butterflies for different reasons: excitement, anxiousness, fear, etc.
So they maybe nowhere similar to you....but to me they are...

The unexplainable - things people seek that are constantly sought after...
Not understanding what I speak as I indulge in this laughter...
Say I rephrase the simple with intelligent vocabulary,
At least I don't sleep in other beds before I happily marry,
This life is actually kind of scary,
Knowing I must defeat "self" & become King like Larry,
I talk naturally with a whole lot of satire,
But I'm serious when I say I wish I could run through 40 women like Quagmire,
Somethings got to keep me sane...
What's preventing me from doing the wrong that feels so good with no pain?

There are times when I don't at all feel relatable...
Keep my eyes nailed to the sky - I call this The Unexplainable...

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