Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?

Once upon a time, everybody heard my words,
Never understood so I flap my wings, fly away with the birds,
In one ear and right out the other,
Saw the light from above so I ducked for cover,
He said, "You know that's wrong, so why suffer?"
Mr. Devil tempts me, I question myself every time I get the urge,
To swim in a sea that appears so beautiful to me,
But once in it, get a little taste, like glue you're stuck in it,
When it comes to this thing called sin, there's no limit,
At times, Life I don't get it,
This here light is just too bright so I dim it,
All the way to the ground, faster then sound,
I leap to another dimension all in one bound,
I see forward but the other directions aren't found,
So to see another perspective, I spin around,
Explain to you my thoughts - you'd think I'm a clown,
It's hard to walk like Christ, with an upside-down frown,
Always seeking answers to my questions,
Never second-guessing any of my prayer sessions,
I love life but most times it doesn't love back,
Living in peace, no sin, eternal bliss - I would love that,
But things don't make sense like a dove that's black,
And that's wack,
The fact that I shouldn't get jealous of what I lack,
But that's that,
It's what Yahweh wants,
And I'll switch up my bad ways like word fonts,
I'll accept Christ & die for God,
Not afraid to be complex & professing my faith is never odd,
Feel emotions, ready to express them, grab the iPod,
Then music punched my ears, which made my head nod,
His punishment might not be you struck by a lightning rod,
But rather you feeling guilt for stealing a stack of cash or a wad,
I hear and see things in a different light,
So that you'll understand, I'll say it's brighter than white,
Maybe you won't, maybe you might,
Called weird - I say things that make you think I'm crazy,
Unheard words escape my mouth - make you think I'm on LSD,
I possess common & uncommon sense,
Either you think I'm insane, or that my brain is just immense,
I imagine things that appear unimaginable to most,
In my mind I can actually fly, like coast to coast,
I think I lost you after the second line,
So I'll take a pause & give you time...

Okay now we're back on track,
At times I feel like I'm trapped,
I gotta stretch so I run a lap,
I mean mental exercising,
Got to too many thoughts to sort,
Call it master-minding,
A ladder to New Jerusalem is what I'm climbing,
Steady walking on a dream - the meaning I'm still finding,
You never know until you try it, like biting,
Never believe what you think you see, like an alien sighting,
You know what?
You too probably don't see what I see - you're blinded,
So to you I say - just never-mind this...

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