Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Friday, July 30, 2010

Nudity's Jewelry

She's naked, she's nude,
Awaiting her knight in shining armor,
Reality left in the dust just to alter her mood,
Visions flash before her eyes,
But to her surprise she flees from what she denies,

She's naked, she's nude,
Choked by life's grip,
The lack of breath strikes her face pale blue,
But what's this in the foggy rear view?
Luck missed her soul in the mist long behold,
A sparkling chance which appears brand new,

She's naked, she's nude,
More beautiful than ever,
However vulnerable to whoever tells her never,
As she is forever and ever naive,
Bred to conceive and not to relieve deceive,

She's naked, she's nude,
Finally fed up,
She seems to have stuffed herself enough,
Full of lies, done with the cries,
For a diamond need not dwell in the rough,
Locked up behind a wall of no trust,
Trying to scream but whispers slip out,
All thanks to the tightness of the handcuffs,

She will always know who but left without a clue,
Held back from this thing called truth,
Her face so distant from me,
Yet her tears are so used to me,
I tend to call her,

Nudity's Jewelry

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