Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Flowers of Steel

There he goes,
The little boy who wanders freely,
As he smiles he picks his nose,
Stops to stare at the sun,
His eyes become full of water,
He taps his ankles and begins to run,
He twirls in a huge circle,
Falling flat on his back - face to the sky,
Rolling on his side,
He picks a white rose...

"This will keep me safe inside from all the fears at night.
I will see all that the eye does not, I hope I might..."

Says the little boy,
Tearing the jeans his mother sewed,
As he stands to his feet,
He sees a mysteriously hidden cove,
Walking towards it,
He tightens the grip of his white rose,
For he fears not,
Countless screams of evil shout from the cove,
But the little boy hears not,
In total darkness,
A deep voice rumbles from the depths of the cove,
Extreme sharpness,
Perfect tone of the words the voice had to say,
But what is the little boy to do?
...As he is left alone in dismay

"I've got you now. You fell right into my trap.
Stunned are you, laying helplessly in this web I spat.
I sent you a sealed letter, and you innocently read it.
I am the ultimate tempter..."

Says the deep voice,
Frightened is the little boy,
Certainly not by choice,
Those intimidating words aimed for his face,
As the tears shot from his eyes,
Undoubtedly not the gift he planned to open,
Which brought the shock to his surprise,
Running for dear life out of the cove,
Slowed down is his heart as he dove,
Landing on his back,
The little boy is scared to look back...

As he gently opens his eyes,
Sitting himself up to a kneel,
The little boy is stranded among beautiful,
Yet deceiving flowers of steel...

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