Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Saturday, January 23, 2010


The stories,
Let it read them to you,
Explaining the anthem to you,
The language of angels,
Listen closely from all possible angles,
To me, music is alive,
Merry and fruitful,
Swim in sound and be sure to take a dive,
Music opens its book,
I listen as I close my eyes to look,
Into the depths of the meaning,
Maybe I'll find the message before I begin cleaning,
Out my memories of what I just heard,
With music,
My thoughts race forward in a pack like a herd,
Mental visions soar high as a bird,
Even instrumentals; I listen to every word,
You hear just a beat,
I hear a melody in repeat,
Describing its journey of how it came to be,
You only hear music,
I hear, see, and feel it,
As it talks to me,
I become one and use it,
Never abuse it,
Stirring up evil concoctions,
Sitting back,
Letting the music produce it,
Treat it right,
Don't be a coward,
Leave it in the light,
Darkness hovers in a couple of hours,
The music plants seeds in my mind,
So my thoughts are flowered,
Now my head shines bright white,
My face is powdered,
Travel with a glow,
So you know,
I won't run fast for purity to chip off slowly,
I'm only,
Shedding my appreciation,
Throw it in the pot,
Free my scalp of agitation,
In my bowl I pour a lot,
Drink up the sound,
It rumbles threw my body beginning at the ground,
Then I throw up the noise,
And throw it right back like I'm on the mound,
I'm shocked by its poise,
You must have fun with it respectively,
Play with it like toys,
Group together and give birth collectively,
To new sounds and combinations,
I write to music to give my donations,
Sometimes I'm not too fond of what I hear,
So I simply change the station,
I usually love the sound that enters my ear,
Wish I could witness its early formation,
That would be so sincere,
But I might get confused,
Which means my skies wouldn't be so clear,
Some decide to act fools with,
I decide to take care of and embrace this music...

Music is one of God's gifts to Man.
It can be used to express any emotion, feeling, or thought.
If you're not born with the talent to create it,
At least enjoy it to the fullest with your ears.
I absolutely love it.

M.U.S.I.C = Multiple Unfathomable Sounds In Clusters

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