Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drown In The Snow

It's snowing outside,
As it runs through your veins inside,
Fly up high while no one's in sight,
Inhale everything the sky has to offer before you die,
Why cry?
I exhale all of my problems right through my eyes,
Wish to shut down all of my thoughts, so that my brain fries,
Won't remember or think of the bad,
Living out my trials & tribulations first-hand, it's so sad,
But am I bad?
You should always think about what you already have,
I'm somewhat glad,
(Fear + Worry) x Pressure = me mad,
My thoughts + My imagination = Weird,
The insane membrane screams loud but does anybody hear?
The snow falls, life stalls, lost from all the unknown phone calls,
Line it up, snort it up, cough up a lung,
Maybe one day the soundtrack to my life will be sung,
I'm hung,
By the pure white form,
I let it go to sleep and simply numb my tongue,
My face is stuck, movements are stunned for a moment,
Sit here with fear, throw up my words - hear the vomit,
But you won't see me coming down for a while,
I slip & fall into a trippy trance,
I've got incredible reflexes - I can see your glance,
Let's see what's in my pocket; pull it out my pants,
Hand full of sky smoke,
Toss it in my nostrils,
Smell the fragrance,
Feel the finite rush yet the experience is limitless,
Hit it, guess,
What world you're in and wait for God to bless,
The snow's coming down, but I blow it back up,
It brings my smile to a frown and then right to a mean mug,
The drug,
Is music & life,
Live it, love it, hug it,
I mix it up and let them roll out like dice,
But twice,
It'll come back to slap you,
Trap you,
What happened to you?
I thought the snow buried within you,
It's thin too,
The heartbeat of music - let it sound you,
Surround you,
Beat around like some drums do,
See what it comes to,
Add my heart & soul and see what it sums too,
It's snowing in clumps too,
I have to find a yard for my mind to run through,
Speeding through the universe while He looks over you,
Hide in the dark, yet He still sees you,
Arrogance made you do it but nobody wants to be you,
How Does It Feel though?
My thoughts sing words softly like D'Angelo,
Now here's the blizzard,
Forget about my eyes,
My ear hears the blizzard,
All senses being used at once,
I feel like the outcast with a cap, like dunce,

Falling from my imagination, but I left the pride,
Steering through the air with no board, so my feet glide,
Time to end this train of endless fun,
Sometimes I wish life never started,
But mine seems to have already begun,
My existence is like a movie through my eyes,
So I load the clip and decide to shoot it like a gun,

Try to move mountains with my mouth, so I blow,
Until I'm ready to wake up,
I'll lay down, face down, and drown in the snow...