Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Divine Intimacy

Story time

As you may know by now, I have thee most incredible dreams.
Some silly, scary, simple, and some deeply profound... hence the subtitle of my blog.
It's weird (at least for me) how I have a dream, wake up,
and only remember certain scenes from it.
Then, hours, days, sometimes even weeks later I encounter
the strongest deja-vu feeling which triggers a full memory blast of 
this incredible dream I had.

Here's what happened in poetic words...

Come in, come in,
Says my eyes to the light,
Stuck in surprise by this angel's great might,
Speaking the language of music,
He proved me stupid,
For I thought not my dreams to be lucid,
His wings were immense,
Glowing face was intense,
This unusual environment
Sucked the common right out of my sense,
But still no fear was felt,
As he ushered in an extraordinary friend
Of his to provide some help,
I was frightened yet knew I couldn't be hurt,
So his friend took my hand and I lost my shirt,
The angel's friend was female,
And she fell directly from heaven
Because her beauty would softly kiss my neck and....

We expressed our love on a cloud
And her moans were high-pitched harmonies sung aloud,
She took the gloom from my daze,
Left me in amaze,
This sonic boom could've been heard for days,
But then my angel friends spread their wings,
Drifted towards an intriguingly marvelous window,
Looked back at me in slow-mo,
Leaped through it and began to hover,
Where are you traveling my friend and my lover?
So with much hope and faith I too dove....
Right through this window....
But I fell short of grace,
Not worthy enough to soar through those heavenly gates,
And as I tumbled to the ground....
Back to reality....
I awake, deserted in the center of nature's work....
A place called Earth.

And in the midst of this,
This is what I witnessed....

{-The Offbeat Human-}

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