Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Thursday, December 31, 2009

This Is Just Me

No two people are the same.
They maybe alike in some ways, but never exactly the same.
Every person in the world views, feels, and hears this world differently.
If I say all candy is disgusting and tastes horrible, that's my opinion and how I taste it to be.
At that point, you cannot knock me and say I'm wrong for feeling this way.
Just because it tastes as certain way to you now means it has to taste that way for me?
So, I'm different because what's considered "the norm" isn't for me?
Maybe you're different because it tastes good to you?
There is no norm, but there is what's common.
This is all just an example.
I've been called weird simply because I view the world & this life differently.
I laugh because there is no set way that you have to live, see, or act in this life.
I have my morals, values, and beliefs, for which I stand for but just because it may differ from yours I'm different now, right?
This is what makes people ignorant.
Not stupid or dumb, but rather unknowing of other views on whatever the case maybe.
Another example would be my brother and I.
We've lived together forever and were raised together, but we have likes & dislikes.
There might even be a random person elsewhere in the world who has more in common with me than my own blood.
My point is don't assume that people see, hear, or feel the same things as you.
Don't be a fool and judge. Who are you? Surely not God...

This may sound crazy but listen to this. It's just a another insane thought I've had.
Let's say you're in the car with someone as you're driving.
You see a red Hummer pass by, so you say, "Hey did you see that red Hummer that drove by?"
The person you're with replies, "Oh no I don't see it. Guess I missed it."
Maybe through your eyes the Hummer was red, but through your friends eyes it was blue.
Maybe to that person red to them is blue, and blue to them is red.
Maybe they say somethings are red just to fit in with society, but to them it honestly appears blue or another color.
You never know...
I'm sure this situation has happened to you before.
Maybe that person answered no to the question because they seriously didn't see a red Hummer, but rather a blue one...
Again, my point is that you'll never know what life looks like through another person's eyes unless they tell you.
Some people think I'm odd or will quickly call me the stupid one because this way of thinking is uncommon.
Now I don't necessarily live by this in every situation, but this is always in the back of my mind.
Think broad, not narrow.

Leave all possibilities open because anything is possible. Nothing is impossible.
Man can do anything that he imagines.
Man wanted to fly. He realized he couldn't do it physically, so he thought of a way to make it happen.
Now we fly from coast to coast or country to country.
Think about where we'll be, if humans are still around, in another 1,000 years.
Even in another 100 years we will be even more advanced.
Gaining knowledge is never ending.

Till this day, I live by this motto: Dare to be Different
It means so much to me because many people fear negative responses if they were to be different. They might not be accepted. I don't let this hold me back. I will be my true self.
Joshua James Stowers is who he is. Like him or not, he will forever be who he is yet always seeking ways of improvement, knowledge, and understanding.
I love who I am. No one can change me, but God.
God made me the way I am.
I don't have to live for any man. I don't have to answer to any man.
So why would I give a damn about anything that you have to say if it will only try to tear me down, steer me away from myself, or make me into somebody I'm not?
Love God through Christ.
Love Family & Others.
Love Thy Self.

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