Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dear Joseph,

Hey bro,
How's it going?
I sure wish I could've met you,
But our parents did shit without knowing,
Ever since Dad told me about you I started thinking,
Trying to get the tears out my eyes, so I started winking,
How is it up there anyway? What's it like?
Doing God's work? Never having nightmares at night?
I know there's no dark in Heaven,
But I've been having bugged out dreams since like eleven,
I sure wish I could wine & dine with angels & Christ,
But I'm stuck here putting up with this life,
I would rather be in deeper shit then we're in now,
Than to know I would've had another sibling, wow...
You know what? I'll call you Joseph.
Mom might have named you that,
We don't have one of those yet,
One day I will see you,
We're gonna catch up as if you never left,
I was pissed the fuck off when he told me,
But couldn't express it because he respected me enough to tell me,
Well, Jonjon is the oldest,
He played college football & is the tallest,
Then comes me,
I like to joke & laugh,
There's also Jordan, known for her arts & craft,
Can't forget about Jabin, the youngest boy,
He mumbles when he speaks but always has the look of joy,
Knowing I could have had another sibling makes me really mad,
Oh did I mention that your brother
Jared will be a Princeton Grad ?
I imagine when we meet,
We'll feel like we've known each other forever,
As one big happy family we'll rejoice together,
Why? Why man?
Why did you have to never be?
In our lives on Earth that is,
It would mean the world to me,
Dad says he cries every night about it,
I haven't seen him cry over shit,
And it pisses me off that
Mom & Dad don't even speak about it,
Excuse my language Joseph, it's just the emotions,
I'm coming soon man,
To take a dive in the Heavenly Oceans,
Pray for me as I have done for you,
Just wait,
I'll be in the Kingdom of God too,
I'll keep God in mind,
And try to walk like Jesus,
Promise me one thing...
When we come face to face,
Tell me you'll never leave us...

With Love,

Your Brother Joshua

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