Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Friday, December 18, 2009

Let's Take A Trip

Hey Mr. Tree, how's it going?
I see vivid colors in your forest,
And then this river started flowing,
Was my liver, as it shiver,
I saw this wall with 10 eyes - it said come hither,
I came, what a shame,
It said Joshua - How did it know my name?
Fear made my legs run away,
These 2 hours then turned into a day.
Mr. Tree, you're naked - where's your leaves?
He said they all went to Space, but no one believes.
I'm jogging, yet faster then running,
I leap further into the galaxy,
Venus is bathing - she's so stunning.
Whoa...hold on there...there's a cliff.
I can walk in all directions at once,
But my body's not moving - it's stiff.
I grab the Sun by its rays, and then I flee,
Like Christmas, I put the star atop the tree.
Now Mr. Tree is decorated and mentionable,
My eyes view the world in 2D - what's 3 Dimensional?
And then I tripped....
Falling face first....
Into a cosmic storm,
I heard the "splat" first,
Before I actually landed....
Into a black hearse,
I felt like a dirty bandit,
Because I stole 2 comets,
Saw the Earth from afar - Should I bomb it?
Mr. Tree says, " No, Stop It! "
OH NO....
Now I'm coming down from a fantasy town,
That was around planets way above the ground;
New sounds were piercing my ears,
Something that would take years to even hear.
I have faith in the fact that I'm Heaven-bound,
Only seeing words that are verb-less, something like a noun.

I snapped out of it....
It was like a dream....
Was it reality?

Why am I in a tree, on a branch in my backyard?

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