Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Darkness

Unfortunately, no....
I'm not speaking about Charlie Murphy & Wesley Snipes....
But rather those sleepless nights in which you lay down facing the ceiling,
Thinking about your life, or simply life in general.
Ever question God? Not in a disrespectful manner,
But ask, "Why me Lord? What have I done wrong?"
"Why give me life?"

There's been countless nights where I would lay on my bed,
Lights off, TV off, and just listen to the sound of silence....
It's as if it's just God, my mind....my existence....
This is when I vent, ask, talk, and pray in Jesus Christ's name.

You ever wonder why people feel more capable of doing wrong,
or feel shielded when darkness comes about?
Well, that's complete nonsense.
As if God can't see you....
I tend to look at it this way....
In the actual beginning of time, when the first man was created,
There was no darkness.
There was constant light, no such thing as sin, no sickness,
No wrong, no pain, no tears....
I hear man could even look up and see the Heavens from Earth.
There was a direct connection between God & Man.

Once Man sinned, that connection had to be broken.
God is perfect and free of sin, therefore he is not affiliated with sin.
Sin brought in pain, sickness, fear, hatred, darkness....
Innocence was lost.

Picture this....it's just a thought...
God sitting upon his throne, understands that Man has sinned,
Cuts off the connection, pushes the Sun in a circle with a WORD,
and then spins the world so that Earth sees day & night....
Till this day, the Earth still spins....
Profound a bit? I imagine tons of things most wouldn't even dare to.
I could be completely off though.

Through several battles of my own thoughts and reading the Word,
I've come to comprehend some of these questions I ask.

Why me Lord?: God has provided a perfect & right plan for all of us.
This is the life he chose me to live and this is the only Earthly life I'll live.

What have I done wrong?: You shouldn't look at it that way. Look at it as, What haven't you done for God? Have I even tried to walk like Christ?

Why give me life?: God showed love by creating you and giving you a chance to be in His presence one day. Look at it that way. He places before you life and death. Why not choose life?

At times I have racing thoughts, questions that appear unanswerable,
or unheard of. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Faith & self-control are the keys to making it out of that darkness.

Think about this....
Darkness doesn't shine, therefore it doesn't strike light.
But light shines and strikes darkness.
Light wins. Choose Life. Leave the Darkness.

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