Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Friday, December 11, 2009


I see pretty women walk down the street, like daily,
Want to grab 'em, wife 'em, and make 'em my main lady,
But how could you blame me?
They don't compare to you, I'm impressed by your inside,
Know what's next?
We can play a little game I like to call Mind Sex,
We don't have to lay down, but you gotta be down,
To read me up and down,
Looking into my eyes is like looking into my mind,
And sometimes that's more arousing then, let's say, touching on your behind,
Get in your pants, no more like your thoughts,
Cause I'm so deep in your mind right now that it appears I'm lost,
And they say men aren't supposed to cry,
But faced against your beauty I don't see why.
It's something about your humility and sensitivity
That says a lot to me, especially, your rich and beautiful character,
Which is making me want to marry ya,
And I'm not trying to come off aggressive it's just....
Speaking to you is never repetitive and you so gorgeous....
What if I were to tell you that it's sometimes more about the
Sensuality than Sexuality?
Being able to pry into your mind and see your inside rather than
Your outside is what I would like....
Not that I don't wish to touch you, but I just wanna see
If you physical matches up with your mental,
Because in actuality the reality of me loving your physicality
And mentality is something that I dream about and
Wish to truly be....
You see, I used to dislike writing but now it's like a passion,
Because I see it as my personal method of expression,
It will be SAID by the pen that writes it,
HEARD by the one that reads it,
And only SEEN by the eyes that truly realize the profundity of it....

So, to you, that special one, I want to travel your mind and body,
Without even having to run....
I cannot see you, nor can I feel you, but I can smell you....
Your everlasting scent of purity, as it lingers, into eternity,
As it passes Pluto - Wish I could come forth but....
I would probably be blinded by your Halo.
You've got my nose wide open as I follow your aura,
Feening to have you so badly so you could have my son or daughter,
We join as one to express our love just as God explained it,
Sex is beautiful - we are the one's who left it tainted,
But for now, don't leave - please don't leave me....
I fall from my imagination slowly as your departure eludes me,
Heading towards the Land of Innocence,
You float away through the divine eyes of Heaven's pearly white gates....

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