Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mystery Girl

I wanna woman who's my homie, she's my ace;
She'll always be my only, her smile like the sun shining in my face...

You would be the only love that I need,
You would be the last breath that I breathe....

You can take the temperature of a star, that's how hot I am for you,
You're so sweet, similar to cotton candy, like pink & blue....

For you I'll do the unthinkable,
I lust for your mind & body, but you seem untouchable....

Without your love my vision is blurred,
You are the letters that make up my every word....

The touch of your skin, the color of your eyes;
Have you ever felt her love within, but it was brought to you by surprise

I picture you running in an open field into my arms as we twirl,
I until I set my eyes on you, you will remain my mystery girl....

Come in and soar throughout my world,
My mind's going half crazy, I got lost in the swirl....

I'm blind because I can't see you, but you appear to be right there....
You're that wind that pushes me forward, I can feel it in the air....

My mystery girl....

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