Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hardcore Dreamer

I consider myself to be an in-depth dreamer.
One who dreams, not just images or scenes, but stories & adventures.
I usually dream every night or every 2-3 nights.
My dreams vary from fun & relaxing to intense & "running for my life".
I've had sleep paralysis a few times, an OBE or "out-of-body-experience",
and even a premonition before.
Yes....call me weird.....I love to be different.
Some of my dreams have consisted of sadness, terror, bliss, sex, and even seeing my brother have an asthma attack - He does have asthma....and I was 9.
I also recently had a dream where I took a psychedelic drug.
Magic Mushrooms, or shrooms - which was crazy.
I knew what it felt like to be on that drug because the dream was so real.
I also get strong feelings of "Deja-Vu" - where you could've sworn that you did this exact same thing at this same moment, at this same place.

To me dreams are one of the biggest mysteries to man.
Do they mean anything? Good or bad in the long-run?
Everybody dreams, whether you realize it or not.
So what if you can't remember any of your dreams?
What does it mean if you do remember most of your dreams, like me?
One day I'll find the answers to these questions and it will all make sense.
Until then, just label me a hardcore dreamer....

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