Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Years pass by,
The rain still pours;
Even though I try,
The pain steers me off course,
With my poetry I can go for rounds,
But I'm just a nerd with a backpack seeing sounds,
The pushing keeps me from the shoving,
Placed in an evil world so troubling,
I smile and turn into something loving,
Something new and old,
Similar to the visual of a soul,
I come bold,
Before you I stand far,
Seal my weirdness away in a jar,
Then you can go to hell,
It doesn't matter where you are,
Forget money, fame, and power,
My soul I just won't sell,
The big hand is on eleven,
Five minutes before the hour,
Shield yourself before it comes,
The wrath of man,
Hear it as he drums,
I'll play this sad song,
The guitar's strings are strummed,
Excuse me from my childish games,
Wish to see me burn?
Watch me burst into flames,
Now I'm nameless,
Throw wrong into my head,
Where's the gun so I can aim this?
Shoot out my positive thoughts,
Let it penetrate your heart,
But some are two-faced with two hearts,
Was I doomed from the start?
Searching for that little bit of light,
Sometimes I wish I could fly away,
And simply touch the sky like a kite,
See the light in the midst of the dark,
Drive my envy straight to a halt,
So I'll put it in park,
Odd because these words appear absurd,
I told you once before,
I think in a complex manner like a nerd...

N.E.R.D = Normally Extraordinary & Remotely Different

I'm not stupid, insane, or inept at everything I do.
I just dare to be different.

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