Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wonder & Wander

I wonder and wander,
Walking aimlessly in life,
So when it comes to my thoughts,
I ponder,
Hear it loud,
Hear me louder,
My face is proud,
But I cannot get out of,
This state I'm in,
Have to gather these voices,
So I rake them in,
Sweep them right out my mind,
Each stroke is one sound at a time,
I wonder if they'll show their faces,
Why live in my head?
Go back to where your place is,
Some voices are faint,
Which means they're dead,
Find another home; there's plenty of places,
I want to leap up and never ever come down,
Slowly drifting off,
Somewhere unknown like space is,
I float with my head in a cloud,
I can see the light,
But my head is down,
Pressure of the sky is too much,
A smile suddenly turned to a frown,
I don't wish to run,
I'd rather leave this town,
Climb the mystical ladder above,
To a glorious palace with a bunch of love,
The desire to make my hand invisible,
Some decide to use a glove,
I wonder about the true self,
What do I really look like?
An inner voice roars for help,
Come to my rescue,
They just might,
My heart doesn't beat,
It can only speak,
My eyes don't really see,
They merely seek,
My body doesn't move,
It shifts as I wander with my feet,
My mind hates to think,
It prefers to dream and find the missing link,
The stomach of my soul grumbles,
The hunger,
My imagination paints vivid ensembles,
I wonder...

Not all who wander are lost.
I wonder to remain sane, despite the cost.

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