Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Gracefully gathering thoughts together,
Pressure from above the stormy weather,
Hence the sharpness of my clever,
Drifting down slowly like a few feathers,
Unsteady from the mental tremors,
In response the brain severs,
The never's,
Said success for me couldn't be,
Quite possibly,
I see through thick & thin easily,
Dare not dwell on a loss,
The cerebrum feeds off eternal chaos,
When the sight is lost,
As the snow falls,
Juggle the anguish and toss,
A mile high in the sky,
Bitten but save me from the frost,
Barrel away from the beryl gray,
To a new day,
Where the sun has more to say,
A place when time doesn't delay,
Nor does a friend decide to betray,
But lay by your side,
Instead of dashing behind a tree to hide,
But glide,
On the surface of eminence,
A period of high rank,
Seeing a virgin soul in innocence,
Prepare to walk the plank,
Simply when taken advantage of,
The push and the shove,
Comprising of,
More than the eye can see,
In addition to love from the beloved,
Now hover,
Unto the plateau,
Of forever never-ending,
Anonymously suspending,
In-air ideas to grow,
To show,
Just as to display,
But lay low,
As surprise attacks lead to dismay,
Surrender it all,
Some of what they say,
The distress calls,
So my spirit yells Mayday, Mayday, Mayday...

Mayday derives from the French venez m'aider or m'aidez meaning "come (and) help me"

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