Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cudder On New Year's Eve

Kid Cudi was spotted wearing a kilt on New Year's Eve for a show he performed at. I've read several comments on this picture and it just shows you how if the media doesn't accept it, you're looked at negatively. This is such a shame. Just like skinny jeans on men - it's a new trend. If you don't like it or have a problem with it then simply don't wear them. Don't call out another man for what he decides to wear or do. It's his body, his life, his image, so why would you care so much in the first place? Him wearing something that YOU don't approve of...How will it affect your life? In no way at all... What people fail to realize is that kilts were worn by men many years ago, and it was considered common then. Kilts were being worn way before jeans were being worn. So just because he decides to bring it back for a night out he's "this" or "that"? This is exactly why I respect Cudi. He doesn't care what anyone else has to say about him. He's only doing HIM. This is a perfect example of the motto I live by: Dare to be Different

Dare to be different or you'll die in the group titled "The Same"...

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