Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Monday, January 11, 2010


Sitting upright in my bed all night,
Thoughts circle in my head about wrong and right,
The window is open as a cold breeze comes in,
Hearing the leaves whisper, awaiting the trees to come in,
A branch reaches in and grabs me,
Lays his arm over my heart so he traps me,
Is he trying to protect me from the cold?
Or is he placing a hold on my life so that I don't grow old?
Courage and bravery to outlast the cold is much needed,
But they wish to have food for thought, so I feed it,
Who's really fed up?
Freezing in the cold weakens me but somehow my head is kept up,
The branch pricks my body & soul with bark, so I've bled up,
I roll from under his burden - the heavy weight,
Feel like I'm drifting straight to Heaven, - that pearly gate,
Will it open? Let me in?
Am I chosen? The one to run through life with a grin?
Life's not a joke, though,
Trees breathe; it's cold outside - will you get the hint, though?
I tell you what I imagine when lead meets paper from my pencil,
Dreams tell me what I'm really feeling,
My thoughts slip away,
So I grab the fishing rod and begin reeling,
My mind's back in place,
Imagination is a mystery - I think we've got a cold case,
Or maybe a CSI?
The wind bullies me, pushes me,
It's invisible - will UCY?
I yearn for the strength and self-control,
But I have to earn what I see in my dreams,
And be properly prepared for what life may behold,
The untold story of it will never be told,
So I ponder my thoughts...
Maybe I should shut the window to stop the cold?

Why is life so hard?
Remember, no one said it was going to be easy.
Should I bail out on life and give up?
Or continue dreaming and endure beyond life's beatings?

C.O.L.D. = Currently Outliving Life & Dreams

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