Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Angel

She'll never know that she's the reason why I wrote this rhyme;
The ladder towards her love I take one step at a time...
When will it be, where will it be, for her to see;
That she, flows in a river of beauty,
In my mind mentally...
On a daily she doesn't really realize that she's
My breath of fresh air at each and every sunrise...
If I were to tell her she might laugh,
I feel like I did already - thinking my thoughts out loudly
I guess I must have...
She is my queen to be - except not really,
Let me escape my imagination and giver her the love
That I stole from each and every nation...
Long behold now she carrieth a creation from the Lord above,
Oh how I must truly love...
But I keep drifting off into my imagination...
I would love to pin-point her love and slide in at every possible angle;
Honestly this Lady of Mahogany is whom I call...
My Angel...


Here we are, all alone in her bedroom;
It's so dark in here but her beauty shines bright light,
So all that I can see is her...
As I approach her I caress her gently, as her body
Is pressed tightly against mine...
I begin by kissing her forehead and then work my way down
In a straight line...
She then whispers into my ear - I want you badly, but first
I have something for you...
As she leaves my arms so does the air from my lungs.
Her energy is so strong.
She comes back dressed in only her t-shirt and a thong.
She then takes my hand and leads me to her bed.
We lay down slowly, while she's on top of me she kisses me...
Each kiss is like chocolate covered raindrops hitting my face slowly...
She smells so good and it makes me want her in the worst way;
Feel like I'm not complete although I saw her just the other day...
I roll her over so that I'm in control,
And then take off my shirt - oh how I love her big 'ol...
But now that we're close enough I kiss her with desire and meaning;
Her love is what I'm feeling,
As I penetrate deeply to the sounds of Chris Brown's "Take You Down"
I move in sync with the beat...
Then after a while as I hit a certain spot her voice in lost...
Now there is complete silence but for the beats of our hearts...
She digs her nails into my back while the sweat from my chest
Drips onto hers...
Now that she's satisfied it's my turn...
I begin to pick up pace as the temperature rises up in this place...
Time to let loose so I release and into a state of euphoria I go...
Now that it's quiet we drift off to sleep together...
For now she is safe from all of the stormy weather...
It's the crack of dawn and as the sun shines into my eyes,
So does her gorgeous smile...
I awoke to an angel staring at me...
Stunned, I gracefully move her hair from blocking her eyes...
I realize not only the outside but the beauty of her inside...
Shortly after we fall back off into our deep sleep...
Her presence is most of what fuels me...
If only I could find...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In My Dreams

Scared to doze off cuz imma nightmare dreamer type,
Eyes wide open wonder why I can't sleep at night;
Sit on the curb lost, pondering my thoughts, will I die from my fears;
So the herb in my lungs, I gotta cough, the sound of the world in my ears;
Can't seem to catch up, so time drives by,
It's hard to keep my head up, so my eyes cry
Some smoke up, just to float up, and see the stars;
Moving at the speed of light, just touched down in Mars
The weight of the world on my shoulder's, try and lift me;
This is too trippy, like walking at night and the trees speak wit me;
Spit over beats sickly, throw a quick fit the heats in me cuz the 5th in me;
You hear me, I don't know where the hell I'm heading, so please steer me;
You fear me, everything from my shoes on up to where my ears be;
But they don't hear me,
Rather lay deaf alone than listen to a fucking symphony;
This makes no sense to me, you dudes is past tense to me;
I'm better off Peter Parker, spider sensory;
Never lost sight of the top, but I live the lesser see
I wasn't familiar with this thing called life, or what it means;
So I lose touch with reality and tell you what I saw in my dreams....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Real Talk

Despite the fact that I might,
Conform to being them so we can be alike,
I must never let 'em in but instead break myself out,
'Cause if I let 'em win I can see all for what I stand for heading South.

Be yourself, do you, you on a mission - is what my father tell me.
Should I listen, do me, let the tension stiffen, or possibly
See what Joshua James Stowers is missin'?

Is it the drugs, the alcohol, or the cigs that got these dudes trippin'?
Or is it somebody telling them to go further in life that got these dudes tippin' - over
Like the game has ended,
I rest my case as the young man forever called different,
But still a nigga still never offended.

Did I forget to mention that I am above you,
Something like a cloud do;
And now I'm laughing at you all from afar like a clown do.
I would say that I miss all my haters but I am constantly surrounded by you,
And hassled by you,
But I still stand strong,
And the only thing missing is the chick on my arm...

Yep, listen - you only cool if you Bloodin' or you Crippin',
Forget the maturity or even the purity - I gotta be dirty
Just for a girl to even notice me,
I'm not trying to act no fool,
But now she don't like me cause I ain't yell out "Soo Woop"

This shows the stupidity, the ignorance, the immaturity;
You say you know me but you really never heard of me.
Pressured by society to do well,
Because my kind is ignorant and we're meant to fail...

Extra, Extra - Did you read all about it?
This young man is one not to be doubted.
Never ever slip & fall get lost in the swirl,
Because now I can say there's one less Black Man not doing shit in this world...


The epitome of a woman...
Submissive to her man and good lookin',
Never taken advantage of, strong, and bold;
With her as my life partner, wife, and friend
We grow old - together as one we hold the power to create
New life in this world.

I want, desire, and wish for her love
But if I am to take on that responsibility
I must truly love - her for what she is, is something I must accept;
Leaving her is not an option, she cannot say I left.

One day I will find you and fall into your deep spell called Love...
My Woman...

How I Feel

With all that's going on in the world somethings got to change,
I've sees so many kids with no water that they try to drink the rain;
Little boys with no fathers as mothers take the lead...
Do you know what this means?
There's no guidance, no reliance, more defiance, and much ignorance.
I commend all women who take on a fatherly role,
because it's us men who ran and motherhood we stole.
Through me we have hope - wouldn't that be dope?
If I could take every bad thing and then elope;
Free the world of its hurt and pain,
But all at once I cannot tame;
That's why we as a people must face our miseries,
And attempt to leap over each of our adversities.
Remember that all that worries us we acknowledge,
And this is how I feel towards all of this.

This is what I see from afar, This is who I are,
This is so real, This is how I feel...

Should I or Should I Not?

Should I give up on this life trying?
Maybe I should give up crying,
Pouring my tears out to my mother as I kneel?
Or should I speak to my God of whom I cannot see nor feel?
Should I or Should I Not?

My mother, one of my influences & acts as my personal ladder,
She'll give me a kiss, tell me it'll be okay & help me climb to what I most desire;
Anyone against me I pay no mind - they're just flesh & bone,
Because I'm in a different category - I stand alone.
Should I or Should I Not?

Now you know who influences me - God, myself & my mother;
I will strive for the best, above the rest, there will be no other;
At the end of the day I still want your opinion,
Possibly I'll give up, it's a touch decision.
Should I or Should I Not?