Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In My Dreams

Scared to doze off cuz imma nightmare dreamer type,
Eyes wide open wonder why I can't sleep at night;
Sit on the curb lost, pondering my thoughts, will I die from my fears;
So the herb in my lungs, I gotta cough, the sound of the world in my ears;
Can't seem to catch up, so time drives by,
It's hard to keep my head up, so my eyes cry
Some smoke up, just to float up, and see the stars;
Moving at the speed of light, just touched down in Mars
The weight of the world on my shoulder's, try and lift me;
This is too trippy, like walking at night and the trees speak wit me;
Spit over beats sickly, throw a quick fit the heats in me cuz the 5th in me;
You hear me, I don't know where the hell I'm heading, so please steer me;
You fear me, everything from my shoes on up to where my ears be;
But they don't hear me,
Rather lay deaf alone than listen to a fucking symphony;
This makes no sense to me, you dudes is past tense to me;
I'm better off Peter Parker, spider sensory;
Never lost sight of the top, but I live the lesser see
I wasn't familiar with this thing called life, or what it means;
So I lose touch with reality and tell you what I saw in my dreams....

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