Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Opposites Alike

Never ending strings are tied,
Placing loops around my better half,
Leaving behind tainted tears previously cried,
Revealing stern expressions forming a laugh,
Silently shouting thoughts into a mental mic,
Thinks the man who attracts all opposites alike,

Innocent cries slowly heard, 
Hear the baby fuss,
Falling short of grace from the Word,
I'm like Holy dirt or maybe angel dust,
Meaningless meanness struck by polite,
Enlightened is the man stuck in opposites alike,

Walking backwards into eternity,
Finding it's lost secrets,
Searching for what I'll learn to be,
Simply draining my destiny through life's faucets,
Stranded in the middle of everywhere,
Not quite,
Will the negative pass me there,
Arriving amongst the same opposites alike...

Shocking emotions electrocute until I'm unsurprised,
Burning fuses of intelligence, igniting stupidity,
As time decides to cut off all delights,
Testing depths of my clever and it's fluidity,
Streaming my gloomy daze into bright nights,
Shining down upon the disgraced face,
For opposites are alike...

Opposites attract, and therefore are joined as one.
They're so different, yet alike in every way.
They strengthen each other's weaknesses.
Opposites are destined to be together, until the ending of infinity has been discovered.