Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Sunday, April 11, 2010

From Insomnia With Love

Insomnia secretly seduces me,
Dangling a wakeful night in the face of clueless me,
A weakened heart strained by the grip,
Gasped by the grasp,
She holds firmly to cold air that slips from the lips,

Reigning thoughts take control of my inside,
Dripping drops of delirium upon my mind,
The brain almost ready for departure,
Stranded in a frenzy due to its new stalker,

I had fallen for her from the start,
Mesmerized by her fine art,
Sculpting sleeplessness,
The love is addressed,
Suppressed by her sneakiness,

Our relationship is a strong one,
The bond constricted by the long run,
While I toss and turn,
Hoping to enter my dreams before her song's sung,

So beautiful yet her spell so homely,
Keeping me company but her love kills slowly,
Until Insomnia softly reads the murder she wrote me...

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