Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tale Of The Hidden Gem

Hidden amongst my inner fears,
My worries are hung from a line and left to dry,
As I forcefully squeeze them,
Outcomes the dirty water portrayed as these earthly tears,
Throwing spiteful jabs at the question of why,
Shielded by these everlasting layers of confusion is I,

(I begin to chip away the bad covering the good in me.
Once finished, it will all become clear to me.)

As my weaknesses are chipped away,
Slipped away is the grasp of my sins gift-wrapped for today,
Trapped in my own tree,
Branches ripped off, bark peeled back,
Lonely he only seeks to be free,
Reaching out for freedom to be handed right back,

(My covering is almost gone as I patiently stand.
All the negativity begins to sink slowly as does quicksand.)

Time's so patient yet moves incredibly fast,
The mind seems vacant,
I cherish each thought as if it were my last,
Recalling most of the vast past,
Buried within is the man,
Head of State and beyond his class,

(Completely in the nude, it appears my covering has left.
It is now on me to take my first steps.)

When that star in the sky decides not to shoot,
I fall hard trying to find that sturdy floor,
For this beautiful lie reveals its ugly truth,
Speaking misleading words heard to be ignored,
Spared are the aired emotions wished not to be exhaled anymore,

(I am now able to shine bright and progress forward.
The better part of me is now for the world to see.)

Despite the bad I encounter,
I was created for greatness.
I may only appear as that bare rock in the grass,
But to me I will always be that hidden gem living in forever's past.

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