Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Destination: Supernova

The good, the bad,
How could I forget it?
When sad add a tad bit of glad,
Split decisions keeping me level-headed,
When words don't know the half,
Thoughts begin to gas me up unleaded,

Atop it all,
Then I start sinking down,
Bound to fall,
Short of breath from the drown,
Lost at sea for all to see,
Embarrassment forced to yield,
Stopped at the waterfall of confidence so deep,

The sleep so visible,
But the dreams so stealthy,
Providing a profound visual,
Is the magical brain playing tricks on me,
And I had to find the true self,
Apparently I've been living the wrong me,

The emotions take a tumble,
Hear it kerplunk,
The soul screams its final rumble,
For a wasted heart is simply love drunk,
Vomiting its care for the world,
Blacking out from the luminous supernova,
Self-destructing due to the beautiful hangover...

Supernova: A rare celestial phenomenon involving the explosion of most of the material in a star.

I was born a star.
But I must undergo a supernova, 
So that I'll explode into the superstar I'm meant to be.
I'm on a mission, heckled by pit stops, in route to my destination.

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