Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ante Up

The hunger of my heart beats on E,
As the starve hits,
So does the lost love which finds me,
I never knew I could be so heartless,
But the negative that tears me down,
Brings forth a new sunrise to stand me up,

I think it's time to ante up...

I'm guilty of a past lie,
Way passed the past's eye,
Wiping away my last cry,
Waving to the good - hello, hi,
Shouting at the bad my shallow goodbye,
Is it I whom needs to gamble away this sigh?

I think it's time to ante up...

When my foundation begins to rumble,
I realize it's the most high doing the shaking,
No words come out the mouth,
My thoughts simply mumble,
When life hands me hand-me-downs,
My own experiences lend me a helping hand-me-up,

I think it's time to ante up...

Life's a gamble that's worth the bet.
With the choice of life or death in the palm of my hand,
I choose life.
It's just sometimes difficult to live out.

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