Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Saturday, June 26, 2010

22:00 Hours

As I sit here with my mind clear,
Thoughts singing notes so sincere,
The tear,
Held back from the eye which sees no fear,

Contemplating an everlasting moment with you,
Shall we jump to fall or jump to soar?
Stuck in this mystery game without a clue,
Alas, I've surpassed the past,
Granting me a beautiful future for us to explore,

Let our eyes do the connecting,
Lips do the syncing,
Our subtle voices will play the music,
I possess the cable for your iPod dock,
And I hope you let me use it,

Floating on a fluffy cloud,
This love-high feels like cotton,
Your glamour never being forgotten,
Accept my invitation with a bouquet of flowers,
And meet me at the rendezvous...

At 22:00 hours...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Strawberry Field

My eyes kept on the lady in the sky,
But the moment her face turns grey,
These raindrops tend to fall from her cry,

She wants to hear me play,
My guitar every single day,
Melodies strummed,
Sounding out the thoughts I can't seem to say,

Sometimes her love smiles to frighten,
Leaving a trail of trippy visions,
All the scared feelings seem to heighten,
As I put up my tall heavy shield,
Only to let my guard down,
And wake up in a strawberry field,

Loss of all hope loves to get the best of me,
With my life I would elope,
Simply to figure out its fate & destiny,
While my mind has left to balance the uneven,
Thinking up the right path to her Garden of Eden

I'm stranded in uncharted lands, and left astray to heal.
Licking my wounds with my head in my hands,
I live to dream in this strawberry field.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ante Up

The hunger of my heart beats on E,
As the starve hits,
So does the lost love which finds me,
I never knew I could be so heartless,
But the negative that tears me down,
Brings forth a new sunrise to stand me up,

I think it's time to ante up...

I'm guilty of a past lie,
Way passed the past's eye,
Wiping away my last cry,
Waving to the good - hello, hi,
Shouting at the bad my shallow goodbye,
Is it I whom needs to gamble away this sigh?

I think it's time to ante up...

When my foundation begins to rumble,
I realize it's the most high doing the shaking,
No words come out the mouth,
My thoughts simply mumble,
When life hands me hand-me-downs,
My own experiences lend me a helping hand-me-up,

I think it's time to ante up...

Life's a gamble that's worth the bet.
With the choice of life or death in the palm of my hand,
I choose life.
It's just sometimes difficult to live out.