Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sound of Silence

Silence is too loud,
Music used as my ear plugs,
Reality too much of a crowd,
Dreams psychedelic like drugs,
The mind,
A powerful thing to waste,
Already lost mine,
Face numb, kind of hard to taste,

Can you hear the silence?

Trapped within a daze,
But the weather's clear,
The sleepless days,
But the rebel's here,
Head spinning out of control,
And what's whack is,
It's difficult to stay bold,
And keep my mind on its axis,

Can you hear the silence?

Can you hear my heart beat,
I can't, where did the love go,
Previous visions on repeat,
Try to keep my highs above low,
The world so complex,
Waiting to read my success story,
I just can't seem to find the book yet,

Can you hear the silence?

Pray to shed light on these dark thoughts,
Tempted by sin so the soul halts,
The true emotions,
Will they ever see,
Try to live life to the fullest,
But sometimes my spirit hits E,

Can you hear the silence?

Oh no...
I'm losing sight,
The top so far away,
The will...
A mile away,
I fall short,
Hitting the ground,
Staring right back at the sky so grey,
The heartbeat slows,
Then stops to bring forth a new day...

Can you hear the silence?

"My life is a dream, in which my mind supplies a body
and five senses to experience actuality." ~ Joshua Stowers

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