Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Insane

A little crazy much,
Embrace the other side of life,
Simply through insanity's touch,
Step my foot in the door,
And fall face forward,
In timeless space I adore,
Hearing your thoughts,
As you speak to me your every word...

Reality is beneath me,
Exploring infinity as I climb,
The light so bright, so white,
I edge it up in every line,
Ready to leave, so ready to go,
Help put my spirit at ease,
You kick the chair,
With my neck I'll play the rope,
Immediately brought back to my senses,
As the universe magnetically paints my world,
Filling heartless emotions with hope,
Right before the ceremony commences,
Leaving trails of faith formerly swept to sidelines,
Silently sitting out of bounds like the benches...

Awaiting the forever long sensation,
Call it intoxication proclamation,
While mental images race ahead,
Avoiding a crash,
Paving the road to brain dead,
About to lose it for happiness to be found,
Scared to think because delirium has come around...

Guess I'll use my left this time,
Because it appears that I'm losing my right mind,
Craziness in its simplest form,
Last statement for your mind to soar,
I've come face to face with my true self...
In a breathtaking parallel universe once before...

This is...

The Insane...

Open your mind & broaden your imagination.
Do not be afraid, you just might like it.
You may fall in a ditch of insanity like me.

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