Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Love Venn Diagram Pt. 2

I should call this piece "What if I did?"
Damned if I didn't,
I lost hope in my plan & my mission,
A man with many chances,
And if any chances were to fall,
I would glance hard at all - my petty romances,
Josh makes sense,
But when asked a question,
Shoulders get tense,
And it's on to the next one, which,
Has me thinking about the next one,
A princess was she,
Hair scent was sweet,
Body was petite,
An angel heaven-sent indeed,
Until she found me,
Down the block & up the street,
At the spot where me & her friend would meet,
At least,
Wherever I was,
I walked ahead of the stars,
Head in the orbit of mars,
Just to cover up the look of my scars,
But she wouldn't push for this love,
And when push came to shove,
I wore my glove in the bed of my beloved and called it love,
And she was the word "dove",
Flying high in the sky,
We would soar by everything and simply wonder why,
Why did I leave?
No text, no call, no sex, as I crawl,
Back to the tattoo that was printed on her sleeve,
But I believe,
In my thoughts as I reflect,
On the orgy of naive - me, her, she, and regret.

{-The Offbeat Human-}