Explore My Imagination - If you can't find anything, you're blinded by reality.

Heaven's Elevator Music

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Love Venn Diagram Pt. 1

Her cell phones buzzes,
A quarter past eight,
I'm up bright and early but she loves it,
She turns on the television,
Thinking while she's sitting,
Contemplating this annoying decision,
But I know what she's missing,
A colorful life with perspective,
Something more reflective than a mirror's direction,
She's through stressing this,
But the pain stings harder than her slits to the wrist,
Now let's sip to this,
A new Big Bang Theory,
Our love bursts into a magnetic joy,
Spreading so clearly,
Lucky was I, hit by a meteor,
Knocking me to hell,
I mean Earth - where I sent affection from me to her,
But this was a secret to her,
Or rather us,
She and I,
The only two intertwined by the shoe strings of lust,
So she runs and runs,
In two big circles,
Pushes them together,
The center is for miracles,
The right is the good man,
And the left is she,
The one with the unsteady hand,
Head buried in sand,
Sketching the blueprints of our love venn diagram.

{-The Offbeat Human-}